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  • Writer's pictureLouisa Sperrazza


Hurray for all animals! The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, known as the PACT Act, has been signed by President Trump!

Thanks to the PACT Act, it is now a federal crime in the United States for “any person to intentionally engage in animal crushing if the animals or animal crushing is in, substantially affects, or uses a means or facility of, interstate or foreign commerce.” Violations of the law could result in up to seven years of imprisonment and a fine. The PACT Act builds on the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act of 2010, which targeted videos depicting animal cruelty, often showing small animals being abused and stomped on. The passing of the PACT Act resulted in praise from millions of animal lovers throughout the nation.

This act never would have been passed without the help of groups such as the Humane Society, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and more which continuously fight for animal rights every day. The President of the Humane Society, Kitty Block, claims how all states have provisions against animal cruelty, but without a federal ban, it’s “hard to prosecute cases that span different jurisdictions or that occur in airports, military bases and other places under federal purview.” Chris Schindler, the Vice President of the Humane Rescue Alliance, also claims how the PACT Act is extremely important because it will allow people to investigate animal abuse cases that occur across state lines or on federal property. Not only animal rights organizations but also groups such as the Fraternal Order of Police and the Major County Sheriffs of America expressed their support for the law. Although the PACT Act is certainly a step in the right direction, some activists are raising the question if the law does enough to protect animals.

Personally, I support this law and any legislation that protects animal rights. However, there are undoubtedly loopholes in this law which must be addressed. For example, the Animal Legal Defense Fund stated how the act does not cover actions against an animal which cause less than “serious bodily harm,” such as kicking, hitting, or punching an animal. The PACT Act exempts slaughter for food, medical and scientific research, humane euthanasia, and recreational activities such as hunting, trapping, and fishing. I think a stricter law must be passed to ensure the protection of animals from abuse.

Loopholes in the law must be addressed, but the PACT Act is still a great step towards stopping animal cruelty!

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