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  • Writer's pictureLouisa Sperrazza

No Dogs Left Behind

No Dogs Left Behind is a leading 501(c)(3) organization that is working to shut down the annual Yulin Festival and end the dog meat trade. Founder Jeff Beri and his brave team have been fighting for the past several years in China to save countless dogs from being ruthlessly slaughtered for consumption. The emergency rescuers physically intercept trucks full of dogs on their way to Yulin and risk their own lives to save the animals from sickening fates.

Unfortunately, the dog meat trade doesn't only occur each year during Yulin on the summer solstice; the animals are stolen, tortured, and beaten to death throughout the year. Thankfully, Jeff and his team are constantly working boots on ground to save as many lives as possible out of the estimated 10 million dogs which are killed and eaten annually in China.

Today, Jeff and other courageous activists intercepted two trucks full of dogs who would have been victims of illegal poaching (click here to view Jeff's victory video)! The animals immediately received veterinary care and were then transported to the NDLB shelter in Beijing. The dogs were nourished with vegan dog food from a local Chinese supplier. The animals stay at the shelter until they are taken in by a foster family or adopted into forever loving homes.

YOU can help save these dogs from a horrific, inhumane death.

Click here to donate to No Dogs Left Behind to help fund for the dogs' food, vaccinations, travel expenses, and more.

Click here to sponsor a dog. These monthly donations will help provide for the animal's food, medical, and transportation expenses.

Click here to learn about how to become a foster parent.

Click here to purchase No Dogs Left Behind merchandise.

Click here to learn about how to become a volunteer.

Click here to follow and share No Dogs Left Behind on Instagram.

Click here to follow and share No Dogs Left Behind on Facebook.


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