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Louisa S.


Hello everyone!

My name is Louisa, and I am a 17 year old girl from New Jersey who has a passion for animals.

After being bitten by my rescue dog, Lucy (pictured left), I began to research what could've prompted this attack. I suddenly became exposed to a world of animal abuse; I hadn't even heard of most of the forms of torture. Something that I was particularly appalled by was the Yulin Dog Meat Festival (for more information on this horrific event, click here). I was shocked by the gruesome pictures that I found online. How could this unbearable cruelty of the animals be happening? How could no one know about such an inhumane event?

My goal is to raise awareness about this heartless event and other forms of animal abuse. There is no doubt in my mind that it is possible to end this cruelty if it becomes more well-known.

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